The domain of the site should be sound, simple and clear. Try to choose words and combinations that can easily be written without errors. Think about keywords that are related to your project. Enter them on this page and algorithms will try to give you all sorts of options for the domain name.
No ideas? For you, we have created a page with the most popular words used in project titles. This can help you choose popular keywords and use them for generation.
Top-level domain is the last part of the domain name that comes after the dot. You probably know many of the popular: .com, .org, .net.
However, in recent years, the list of top-level domains has greatly expanded and continues to grow. Most domains are registered under .com, so if your name is unique enough, we encourage you to choose a domain in that zone. You will find that these domains are more reliable and that the registrars always hold their prices at about the same level. However, you can choose any other domain zone that suits your project better. For example, .pro and .link are actively gaining numbers.
On our website you can find a list of popular TLDs and domain prices for domains from popular registrars.
We recommend choosing the ones that are more convenient for your budget. Tip: pay attention to registration and renewal prices, they can vary significantly.
Select keywords, generate possible combinations on Namemesh, save your favorites and register the domain of your dreams!
What is a domain name and what is it for
Whois: what it is and where it is used